Buy our olive oil:

You can buy our premium olive oils and all products from our store assortment by mail or phone.

Call us at +49 171 970 29 20, write us your order requests by e-mail to info(at) or send us the order form! Tell us which of our olive oils (Memecik, Gellik or Aegean Blend) you would like to order or which soap/s or which olive wood product. Write us in each case the desired quantity. You will immediately receive a confirmation email with delivery times and payment methods. Or you can come to our store at Georgenstraße 58 in Munich-Schwabing and pick up your order personally.

We are looking forward to your visit!

Memecik (varietal and hand-picked)
500 ml glass bottle: € 18,00
3 liters canister: € 98,00

Gemlik (varietal and hand-picked)
3 liters canister: € 98,00

Aegean Blend (hand-picked)
500 ml glass bottle: € 18,00

Your order at Ölberg Milet

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