Miletus – the birthplace of Western philosophy and home of our premium olive oil.
From the “Mount of Olives Miletus” you look northwest to the ruins of one of the most important cities in the world for mankind, Miletus. It was in this city that the natural sciences were born. Miletus is the birthplace of (Western) philosophy. One of the most famous sons of the city was Thales of Miletus.
Miletus and the Milesians were very wealthy with over 80 colonies of their own on the Middle and Black Seas. Miletus was a melting pot, multicultural, maritime, cosmopolitan and curious. These were probably the causes that here, not elsewhere, free thinking could develop in such a way. Thales, Anaximander (a student of Thales) and Anaximenes, who lived in the 6th century BC, are the most famous Milesians. They are called pre-Socratics and natural philosophers, respectively, and are the most important representatives of the Ionian Enlightenment. The Turks say “it must be because of the air and water of this area” that thought could develop so freely here. There is really some truth in this: in this area the descendants of Thales and Anaximander still like to philosophize. Here almost everyone is a philosopher, explaining the universe and the meaning of life at every opportunity… That’s why we call our olive oil THE PHILOSOPHER’S GOLD.
“The Philosophers Gold” – Premium olive oil of the highest quality from the Turkish Aegean Sea
Our premium extra virgin olive oil is obtained in gentle cold extraction of early hand-harvested olives from Miletus (Aegean/Turkey).
Due to the early harvest and the pressing on the same day, our oil contains a very high proportion of healthy bitter substances, the polyphenols.
These polyphenols are considered, among other things, anti-inflammatory and cancer preventive. In various studies with polyphenols, an inhibited growth of cancer cells in the mammary gland, lung, skin, intestine and prostate was observed (Lansky 2007). Flavonoids and anthocyanins protect body cells from free radicals and slow down cell oxidation. They reduce fatty deposits in blood vessels and thus prevent arteriosclerosis.
Since we do without yield due to the very early harvest, but gain a particularly high proportion of polyphenols, we produce not only a tasty and digestible premium olive oil, but also a particularly healthy one. That is why we call it “green gold”. Since our olive trees are located in Miletus, the home of the great philosopher Thales (“Thales of Miletus”) and he is not only considered the founder of Western philosophy (as the first pre-Socrat) but also demonstrably dealt in olives, this became our claim “THE PHILOSOPHER’s GOLD”. Valuable and healthy: a real treasure!
Anyone who has ever watched, or even helped, knows that olive harvesting is hard work. Anyone who has ever worked hard and with passion knows about the result. When two people, out of love for each other and respect for a unique piece of land, spare no effort to make their dream come true, it becomes Miletus. An excellent olive oil! “Emek olmadan yemek olmaz” This is what love and respect taste like: Milet – full-bodied, sparkling, green with a humorous pinch of philosophy! And I thought olive oil from Tuscany is unbeatable…
OLIVE OIL is the heart of my kitchen. But not just any oil. Whether simply with bread and salt or as a base for delicious Mediterranean vegetable dishes, the OIL FROM MILET can no longer be missing in my kitchen, because it is a queen among oils. Endowed with the full aroma of the Turkish Aegean, where mountains meet the sea and the air is full of rare herbs. Olive from this area tastes strong and addictive. I would not want to miss oil mountain MILET.
Als ich dieses besondere Öl aus der Ägäis probiert habe, war ich begeistert. Ich koche sehr gerne international und das Milet-Öl hat meine Ansprüche voll erfüllt. Es schmeckt mediterran, vollmundig und hat Charakter. Der Geschmack versetzt mich sofort an einen sonnigen Ort im Süden – einen Spaziergang durch die Hügel von Ölbergen, ein Gespräch mit Philosophen, ein Buch über eine Zeitreise in die Antike, wo schon vor Tausenden von Jahren Olivenbäume standen.
Es ist wie Magie – Es schmeckt toll!
I must admit that I was skeptical at first when I was presented with this premium olive oil. As a person of Turkish origin, I am finally used to good olive oil. What should be different with this oil than with the other, also high-quality olive oils? But already with the first salad I noticed the difference. This olive oil tastes just great. It leaves a full-bodied, fruity aroma in the mouth and you just want more of it. High praise and special thanks to the Tulay family for this fantastic delicacy.
I write from the deepest conviction: the best olive oil I’ve ever had on the plate. For breakfast or dinner, a must in our house. A little salt, bread and something nice to drink. Gave a bottle to a friend today. Next week my family doctor will get a bottle; health, pleasure, gift. Repeat order is guaranteed 😊 Sounds like advertising, but is just authentic enthusiasm.
In unsere Familie kochen wir leidenschaftlich gern und achten dabei auch sehr auf die Zutaten. Wir verwenden immer wieder verschiedene Olivenöle, aber wir kehren immer wieder zu dem Öl von Ölberg Milet zurück – es ist phantastisch.
Especially as a mother of two small children, a balanced, organic, fair and above all healthy diet is important to me. Oil is not just oil. This also applies to high-quality olive oils. The flavor you want to give a dish is also very much influenced by the olive oil you use. This premium olive oil tastes outstanding and enhances, for example, salads or antipasti culinary. Dishes from simple to refined get a southern flair. Just a few drops of Ölberg Milet olive oil round off the flavor of sauces, soups and steamed vegetables. Our children like it, an absolute buy recommendation, which definitely screams for moooore!
This oil is a wonderful symbiosis of the best quality, wonderful taste and fine smell. It is important to me to know where the oil comes from and how it is produced. Unfortunately, there are too many black sheep who mix oil and misdeclare it. Milet olive oil is hand picked, cleanly processed and the Tulays do not use sprays. When I open the cork, the oil smells good, it tastes particularly delicate pure. We eat a lot of raw vegetables and salads and a good oil is essential for us. We also value fine oil for our Mediterranean cuisine. The beautiful label with Thales of Miletus in white/gold completes the synesthesia.
Pure joy and pleasure!
My grandmother has always prepared your dishes with olive oil and I have been looking for decades this taste of my grandmother and can never find…. until 10 weeks ago I tried the olive oil from the Mount of Olives Miletus and found the perfect taste for me again. I would like to thank Daniela and Bülent most sincerely for this.